Generate reviews on auto-pilot

Online reviews are core to your brand awareness. Get More Reviews faster with Rocket Review Tool on 85+ websites, boost your social proof and increase your revenue.

Send review invites

Use our automatically generated landing page to request reviews from your current and former customers. You can easily add 85+ review sources. It takes just a few clicks and 30 seconds to leave a review.

Create templates
without a hitch

Design beautiful, on-brand email and SMS review request templates in seconds with Rocket Review. Personalize messages with customer information, add eye-catching visuals, and choose to send them from your dedicated Rocket Review number or your own custom email address for a seamless and professional experience.

Run your own campaigns

Our powerful drip campaigns enable you to send review requests on email and SMS. Add automated reminds for customers that haven’t left a review to make sure that no one misses your requests.

Seamlessly add customers to campaigns

Do you want to send campaigns to your existing customers? We make it easy with CSV imports, API access or Zapier integrations.

Funnel analytics

By analyzing funnel data, you can pinpoint where potential drop-offs are occurring and optimize your campaigns for maximum efficiency.

Streamline Review Collection with In-Store Opt-In

Boost your review generation efforts with Rocket Review’s convenient in-store opt-in form. Simply use a tablet at your establishment to seamlessly collect customer sign-ups for review campaigns, increasing your response rates without any additional effort.

Start today and make reviews work for you!