Build customer relationships with Inbox

Using our new Inbox feature, you can see all the communications between you and your customers: review request, private feedback and SMS replies in a neat timeline. Stay on top of each customer interaction and engage rapidly with them.

Increase customer loyalty with 2-way SMS

SMS campaigns for review invitations is one of the most used Rocket Review Tool features. Now we are taking this a step forward: you will be able to see all the customer replies to SMS and reply back. Engaging customers in 1-on-1 conversations will result in increased customer loyalty and reputation.

Improve your Reputation with Private Feedback

Did your customers leave you private feedback instead of a public review? Engage with them from the Inbox. Make sure that they are heard and turn their feedback into valuable insights.

Get a dedicated number for Rocket Review Tool

Activating the Inbox means that you will have your dedicated phone number. All review requests and outgoing SMS will be sent from this number.

Start today and make reviews work for you!